Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Charles Ferguson's Inside Job is a historical account of how the financial crisis of 2007/8 developed, from the Reagan years, through Bush 41, Clinton and Bush 43. The yucky glue that links all four together is Alan Greenspan.

Reagan picked Greenspan for Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in June 1987, and he was confirmed on 11th August 1987. Reagan had picked Donald Regan, the then Chairman of Merrill Lynch, for his Secretary of the Treasury. Regan became Reagan's Chief of Staff in 1985.

Inside Job reveals just how relaxed and optimistic Greenspan was about the liberalisation of Wall Street, even though many around him were warning him of a looming crisis.

Greenspan was a devotee and close friend of Ayn Rand who is so admired by Watson. It is Rand who said:
Capitalism and altruism are incompatible.

The documentary interviews Eliot Spitzer, who was first Attorney General and then briefly Governor of New York, and as such was the cop of Wall Street. Several times he pushed for Wall Street to be prosecuted for fraud, but the prosecuting authorities never did.

Republican slimeball Roger Stone, who worked for Reagan and actually bought the 1980 election for Reagan by delivering a $125k bung from deep, dark CIA agent Roy Cohn, helped to bring Spitzer down by exposing Spitzer's use of high class prostitutes. Stone is now a regular guest on Infowars. Stone also enabled 9/11 and the PNAC wars by organising a riot to stop a recount in Florida during the 2000 election. If George W Bush had not won Florida then he would not have entered the White House as President. And if that had happened, would 9/11 have occured? Would the warmongers have executed 9/11 if W, who was surrounded by senior PNAC agents, was not President? I'm not so sure.

In response to the financial crisis of 2007/8 a number of laws were passed to curtail and possibly tame Wall Street so that 2007/8 never happens again.

Fast forward to 2017 and we find Trump about to liberalise and unchain Wall Street, having been aided into the White House by Stone, Watson and Infowars, and Israel in the form of Breitbart.

Oh, and Ayn Rand said this of Israel:
Give all the help possible to Israel.

When you look closer, what you see in this MAGA movement of Trump is this Ayn Rand/Israel/greed-is-good way of thinking.

And Bomber Trump is its guru.

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